Our workshops are based on the
Harvard Stress Management and Resiliency Training
(SMART) courses
developed by the Benson-Henry Institute at Massachusetts General and Harvard Medical School.
Topics include the:
✨ Relaxation response
✨ Stress awareness
✨ Mending mind and body
✨ Creating an adaptive perspective
✨ Promoting positivity
✨ Healing states of mind
✨ Humour and staying resilient
Each participant is given the Benson-Henry Institute and Harvard Medical School workbook and offered a meditation USB.

Two hour weekly London-based workshops.
Each program runs for 6 consecutive weeks. This weekly format is recommended as you are able to incorporate strategies incrementally and develop a meditation practice over time. However, if you are unable to attend weekly sessions, a weekend intensive is also offered.

Depending on the needs of the group, different topics may be focussed on. Previous groups have delved deeper into attachment theory and relationship dynamics, others optimal nutrition and weight management. This is a rough guide of what will be covered.
FIND OUT MORE“Through our courses, workshops and retreats we simplify the neuroscience teachings to understand the working of the mind and the interplay between our thoughts, emotions, behaviours and their consequences.
Our carefully selected expert team work together to ensure the latest evidence based research is integrated into our programs. ”
One-to-one Session
Whilst the group format is invaluable and powerful, you may prefer 1:1 sessions. If you are unable to make the timings of the group courses or cannot commit to 2 hour sessions, Dr Debar can work 1:1 with you. You will be able to tailor the program even further and work in a coaching style framework. Typically, sessions are hourly and timings are flexible.