Want to learn more?


We’ve curated a selection of expert resource information for you. Enjoy!



Joe Dispenza. All books recommended as well as youtube videos
Norman Doidge: The Brain that Changes Itself; The Brain’s Way of Healing

James Clear. Atomic Habits.

Hal Erod. The miracle equation; The miracle morning.

Charles Duhigg. The power of habit.


‘The Compassionate Mind’ and ‘Overcoming Depression’ by Paul Gilbert

‘The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness’ by Mark Williams and John Teasdale

This is an interesting ted talk on the brain which also shows you what you can do when you feel low or depressed: "You can grow new brain cells. Here's how." (by Sandrine Thuret)


Dr Gabor Maté: One of Dr Safia Debar’s favourite authors, Dr Gabor Maté writes and speaks on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. We would recommend all his books!


‘The Compassionate Mind Approach to Overcoming Anxiety’ by Dr Dennis Tirch

‘Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world’ by Prof Mark Williams, Dr Danny Penman

These are two classic CBT books which are very helpful:

‘Overcoming Anxiety’ by Helen Kennerley

‘Overcoming Worry’ by Mark Freeston and Kevin Meares

Helpful links


On this page you find a whole range of meditations that help you to develop a compassionate approach to yourself. This one is a good one to start with:

‘The Compassionate Mind’ by Paul Gilbert

‘Mindful Compassion’ by Paul Gilbert and Choden

‘The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions’ by C. Germer

Charles Mackesy. The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.


‘The Gift of Imperfection’ by Brene Brown

Ted talk: The power of vulnerability by Brené Brown

‘How To Be An Imperfectionist: The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living and Freedom from Perfectionism’ by Stephen Guise

‘Present Perfect: A Mindfulness Approach to Letting go of Perfectionism and the Need to Control’ by Pavel G. Somov

‘When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism’ by Martin M.Antony

‘Overcoming Perfectionism’ by Roz Shafran and Sarah Egan

Mindfulness & Meditation

Dan Harris: 10% Happier by Dan Harris

Michael A. Singer: The Untethered Soul

Eckart Tolle: The Power of Now

Jon Kabat-Zinn: Wherever You Go, There You Are


Gratitude is an extremely powerful tool and can serve to reframe things and improve perspective.

‘Enjoy Every Sandwich: Living Each Day as if it Were Your Last’ by L. Lipsenthal

Good questions to ask every day that raise self-awareness and resilience:

✨ What did I learn today? Would I do things anything differently?

✨ What three things am I grateful for today? What inspired me?

✨ How did I talk to myself today? Was I supportive or critical?

Child Development & Parenting

Daniel Segal - All books recommended as well as youtube videos.

Anat Baniel ~ Kids Beyond Limits

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